Cynthia Nouhra Art Gallery

Beirut - Lebanon

Booth A11

Director : Cynthia Nouhra

Elias Hrawi Avenue, Street no. 66, zone 1, Tehwitat, Furn El Chebback

Beirut - Lebanon

Phone : +961 1 28 17 55

Exhibiting Artist(s)

Chawky Frenn
José Antonio Sorolla
Alexandre Zerbé

Represented Artist(s)

Chawky Frenn
Ron Nicolaysen
José Antonio Sorolla
Alexandre Zerbé

images/stories/2013galleries/Chawky Frenn.jpg

Chawky Frenn
Why Consult the living on behalf of the dead?, 1992
Oil on Canvas
122 x 183 cm

Courtesy : Cynthia Nouhra Art Gallery